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BPH Commissioners Weigh In...


Posse Solutions Client Hutton Miller P59402 Parole Board Hearing 4/6/2023


Deputy Commissioner Kelly: All right. And which courses have you taken subsequent to the last hearing regarding domestic violence?


Inmate Miller: Through Nick Woodall, I took a domestic course in his, through his LLC. I believe there was anger management, victims awareness, but there was domestic violence.


Deputy Commissioner Kelly: Okay. Yeah. And you’ve taken all these POSSE courses, right? I mean, you’ve kind of completed, from what I can see, it look like you’ve gone through their entire curriculum, and taken the courses. Is that right?


Inmate Miller: He had gone through the transcripts and picked out those courses that he felt were important…. I finished them. I did the courses.


Deputy Commissioner Kelly: Yeah, you certainly did. And we can see that. He wrote a very supportive letter. So, how did you come to find out about this individual and these courses?


Inmate Miller: Well, a couple of guys actually have known Nick Woodall and had suggested him. And so we did some research and my brother looked him up and talked to him. He just hired him. He just hired him, saying, “He sounds really good. He’s going to benefit you. He’s going to help you.”


Deputy Commissioner Kelly: The interesting thing about this is you not only have the certificates, which the Atta boys write. People add those up by the numbers and try to impress as to what they've done. So not only that, but you have the corresponding letters from him indicating how you did and what exactly you did in the module so that's pretty impressive. I mean you've got understanding remorse, understanding responsibility, risk of violence, right? Victim awareness, apology letters and so forth.


Presiding Commissioner O’Meara: you completed numerous modules of the posse course, and some of these modules included understanding causative factors, understanding impact, addressing remorse, understanding risk of violence, addressing responsibility, apology letters, victim awareness, anger management, domestic violence, and denial management. And as we discussed in this hearing today, you did an extensive amount of work period and we acknowledged that, and we heard that, that it seems to be well internalized. Additionally, Mr. Woodall from the posse program has offered to be your sponsor and accountability partner.


Presiding Commissioner O’Meara: Mr. Miller, we are finding today that you do not pose an unreasonable risk to public safety, and you are suitable for parole.



March 8, 2023

Deputy Commissioner Blake: Okay, how did you feel about being denied parole? And how did you feel that you responded to what the last panel had to say?


Inmate Moreno: Well, I wasn’t surprised about the outcome. Cause I was not ready. I wasn’t. And all of it just lit a fire under me to want to want to change. It gave me the incentive to want to be a better person. And why I needed to seek myself, I needed to find myself, I needed to understand what made me do the things that I did. And I immersed myself in groups through the mail because it was, COVID was going on at that time. So, I had my wife contact anybody and everybody I could get to it get involved in groups through the mail, through correspondence courses.


Inmate Moreno: And through that, I've met a wonderful, wonderful man through Posse Solutions. Nick Woodall, who is my sponsor now, and he's really helped me come a long ways.


Deputy Commissioner Blake: Nick Woodall, what, what has he done for you?


Inmate Moreno: He’s the president of Posse Solutions. Um, and he’s the one that helped me to believe in myself again. He helped me to, to see that my drug abuse was the key to all my criminal activity.

Deputy Commissioner Blake: Yeah. All right. So you have submitted, or your Central File includes those certificates from Posse Solutions….

BPH Commissioner Daniel Blake, 3/8/2023 re: Posse Solutions, LLC Student Jerry Moreno D00754


Mr. Moreno, this is a grant of your parole today. Yes, it is a grant of your parole today. So based on the legal standards and evidence considered, we find that you do not currently pose an unreasonable risk to public safety and are therefore suitable for parole.


Presiding Commissioner Teal Kozel, 3/8/2023 re: Posse Solutions, LLC Student Jerry Moreno D00754


“You’ve taken a program called Understanding Responsibility [Posse Solutions, LLC], and it appears that that has helped you become full aware of how and why you callously repeated, um, repeatedly chose to endanger others.”
--BPH Commissioner Diane Dobbs, 5/26/2022 re: Posse Solutions, LLC Client Deborah King WE0681


“You’re taking programs like Victim’s Impact, Victim’s Awareness [Posse Solutions, LLC] to get a better understanding of how your choices affected your many victims and why you selfishly chose to endanger the lives of others.”
--BPH Commissioner Diane Dobbs, 5/26/2022 re: Posse Solutions, LLC Client Deborah King WE0681


“[W]e find that you do not currently pose an unreasonable risk to public safety and are therefore suitable for parole.”
--BPH Commissioner Diane Dobbs, 5/26/2022 re: Posse Solutions, LLC Client Deborah King WE0681


“Um, you did start recently taking programs through the outside company, Posse Solutions, and it appears you did diligently complete those. You submitted your writings for that which demonstrate that you’ve learned a lot about your insight and your risk factors, things like that.”

--BPH Commissioner Julie Garland, 4/28/2022 re: Posse Solutions, LLC Client Frank Soberanis AM2409


“[Y]ou’ve demonstrated good insight into your criminal history and the causative factors of your life crime. Uh, you have accepted responsibility for crimes and you don’t minimize or deflect blame. You also seem to have a understanding of, and a remorse for the harm you caused your victims.”

--BPH Commissioner Julie Garland, 4/28/2022 re: Posse Solutions, LLC Client Frank Soberanis AM2409


“You did a lot of work recently with looks like Posse Solutions.”

--BPH Deputy Commissioner Kenneth Allen, 4/28/2022 re: Posse Solutions, LLC Client Frank Soberanis AM2409


“Mr. Soberanis, we do not find evidence of current dangerousness, and we are granting you parole today.”

--BPH Commissioner Julie Garland, 4/28/2022 re: Posse Solutions, LLC Client Frank Soberanis AM2409

“You also have an offer of employment from Posse Solutions, and that offer came about when you took a course about understanding the causative factors, 12 modules, and you received a score of 99%. This led to a job offer from them because they were so impressed with the way you attended this course.”

--BPH Commissioner Catherine Purcell, 3/23/2022 re: Posse Solutions, LLC Student Shannon Hambley X07542.


“[W]e find that Ms. Hambley would not pose an unreasonable risk to public safety, and we are, therefore, finding you suitable for parole, Ms. Hambley. In other words, this is a grant of parole.”

--BPH Commissioner Catherine Purcell, 3/23/2022 re: Posse Solutions, LLC Student Shannon Hambley X07542.

Posse Solutions LLC Student (Anonymous), 6/29/2022

 “I saw the Sex Offenders Course through Posse Solutions. You took the Sex Offender Course through Posse Solutions.”

--Deputy Commissioner Dale Pomerantz


“In determining parole suitability, the Panel must establish whether the inmate poses an unreasonable, excuse me, a current risk to public safety. In this case, the Panel concluded that the mitigating factors outweigh the aggravating factors at this time and concluding that the inmate is suitable for parole and does not pose an unreasonable current risk of danger if released.”

--Presiding Commissioner Patricia Cassady

Let's Work Together

Posse Solutions, LLC Client Gary Elerick, June 7, 2022.

DEPUTY COMMISSIONER SHINAVER: Okay. And I just have one other question for you. You've written out two relapse prevention plans, and they're, um, they're typewritten and they seem, um, pretty clear. Did you, did you put those together yourself? Did you, did you type those out, or put them together yourself?


INMATE ELERICK: No, sir, I didn't. Uh, my wife hired a, uh — Posse Solutions. That's the name of the company, uh, that sends me a lot of paperwork and, uh, stuff that I needed to do for homework and stuff like that, uh, regarding, uh, many things in parole. And, uh, he — After I sent all that stuff back to him, he graded it, and he's the one that typed it up.



 INMATE ELERICK: His name is Nick.

 DEPUTY COMMISSIONER SHINAVER: Oh, I see. Okay. But this was, but this was based off of your thinking and your information that you provided to him?


INMATE ELERICK: It was based on the, uh, the paperwork that he sent me, which was homework for me. And, uh, I read it and-and, uh, uh, answered the questions...




PRESIDING COMMISSIONER SHARRIEFF: We find that Mr. Elerick does not pose an unreasonable risk to public safety and is, therefore, suitable for parole.


We also note that the CRA indicated that you are a moderate risk for future violence, but the doctor opined that you're on the lower scale of that moderate risk rating. The Panel gave that less weight, as far as your moderate risk rating. This is due in part to you being able to provide the Panel with detailed parole plans and also relapse prevention plans. And more importantly, you were able to articulate today your internal and external triggers for dealing with substance abuse, as well as your coping skills dealing with substance abuse as well.


Nick, thank you so much for your help, patience, and always answering our calls with questions. Gary could not of done it without you. We are forever grateful to you.

--Angela Elerick, wife of Gary.

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